December 21, 2020
Happy Holidays!
The lab closes for two weeks over Christmas and New Year to give everyone a little time to reset after a rather unusual year. Stay safe and have a good break!
November 01, 2020
Welcome, Nils!
Postdoc Nils Rotthowe joins the group! Nils did his Ph.D. work at the University of Konstanz, Germany and is with us for the first year of his Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellowship. He will study redox-active molecular wires and devices. Great to have you on the team!
September 18, 2020
Launch of new USC Chemistry website.
The Department has a brand new website, check it out at!
August 31, 2020
Farewell, Joe!
Joseph Parr leaves the group for a new Ph.D. position at Mike's old Ph.D. stomping ground, Imperial College London. You are going to be missed!
August 28, 2020
Welcome, Tej and Daniel!
Tejpal Randhawa and Daniel Cardenas join the group to work on our new cheminformatics initiative.
August 28, 2020
We return to the lab at 50% research capacity.
Our shift-based lab work systems are slightly expanded, while prioritizing safe working practices.
August 21, 2020
Thank you ACS Publications!
ACS Publications provide Cerritos College free access to a suite of ACS journals for Fall 2020. This goes an enormous way to help facilitate a new collaborative cheminformatics project running between the Inkpen Lab and Prof. Jeff Bradbury at Cerritos. We are very grateful! More details to come...
June 25, 2020
We return to the lab at 30% research capacity.
Joe and Tom kick off our new shift-based lab work system as we mitigate against the spread of COVID-19.
April 14, 2020
Clarissa wins 2020 Sonosky Summer Fellowship!
Congratulations to Clarissa Olivar, who will investigate the catalytic potential of a new family of redox-active ligands.
April 08, 2020
Donation of PPE to Health Care Workers at Keck Hospital
The Inkpen Lab, along with many others across USC, donate our stock of goggles, N95 masks, and disposable gloves to help support the fight against COVID-19.
March 16, 2020
Lab Temporarily Closes in Response to COVID-19
We begin a period of remote working to help flatten the curve of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.
January 24, 2020
[Lab Refurbishment **UPDATE**]
Need an inert atmosphere? No problem!
Our Vacuum Atmospheres double glovebox is delivered and installed. Catch the whole story at our Lab Refurbishments page.