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2024  |  2023  |  2022  |  2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  Lab Refurbishment



November 28, 2018

Welcome to our first graduate students!

Joseph Parr and Christina Trang join the group!


October 22, 2018

Second Fall Rotation

We are looking forward to working with Collin Muniz, who is working on a programming project with the group during his rotation this fall.


September 12, 2018

First Fall Rotation

A warm welcome to Joseph Parr, the first student to rotate with the group! We thank Prof Mark Thompson and Abegail Tadle for providing​ laboratory space and support for Joe to work on Inkpen group chemistry while Mike is based in France!


July 20, 2018

[Lab Refurbishment **UPDATE**]

Lab design kick-off meeting!

Renovation plans involve breaking down walls between adjacent rooms, with four smaller labs being combined into two larger ones. This construction project will provide synthetic (257/253, green) and physical instrumentation (264/262, blue) spaces for the incoming Inkpen group at USC. Our research group offices will be next door (251/251, red). Catch the whole story at our Lab Refurbishments page.


February 2, 2018

The Inkpen Group is coming to USC!

Mike will join the faculty in the Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor in Spring 2019.

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