Navigating the building access route.

Inches to spare!

Fork lift truckin'.

The space, ready and waiting.

Ready to unpack!

Purging in preparation for regen #1.
December 02, 2019
Metal Evaporator hard-wired!
Our Angstrom Covap deposition system gets a power supply. Thanks FMS!

Connections made.

Gold loaded.

SIlicon wafer, before.

Silicon wafer, after gold evaporation.
November 12, 2019
Our Office Furniture Arrives!
We move in to our lab-adjacent office spaces on the second floor of Stabler Hall.



Group office, ready!

Personalization underway in Mike's office
November 06, 2019
Check out those atoms!
Our Bruker MultiMode 8 Scanning Probe Microscope is unpacked and installed. Let's image some monolayers!

"Don't tell me how much it cost until afterwards..."

Phew, safe landing!

Christina sets up an experiment

HOPG tests work out great!
October 23, 2019
Solvent Purification System Installed!
Our free standing SPS from Pure Process Technologies is installed. Hello dry and deoxygenated THF, dichloromethane, acetonitrile, toluene, ether, and hexane!

The pallet made it through the door with inches to spare

Now we're in business
October 08, 2019
Our Refurbished Lab Opens!
We gain access to our new lab space and start the move in process, marking the occasion by hosting a party in the space the evening before.

Get those drinks on ice!

The pizza goes down well
August 20, 2019
Construction project nears completion!
Fume hoods and cabinets installed. We're just missing a sink!

Six dedicated synthetic workspaces

Fume hood free zone for p-chem instrumentation
June 27, 2019
Key equipment arrives, and attention turns to our office space
Large deliveries provide for a photo-op.

Daiken hardware enjoying the SoCal summer

Clean up begins in future group office 251
July 03, 2019
Painting begins, and some serious ceiling hardware goes up!
The sky blue feature wall does its best to offset the imposing shiny machinery.

Suspended shelving standards start to shape the space

264/262 used for cabinet storage during 257/253 floor prep
May 15, 2019
The refurbishment begins proper
With construction teams and suppliers now in place, core elements of our new lab spaces are installed.

New ventilation piping for fume hoods goes in

Gas and electrical outlets are fitted
January 7, 2019
Work starts on our new lab!
Demolition begins on the 2nd floor of LJS (Laird J Stabler Memorial Hall), the location of our soon-to-be refurbished laboratory and office spaces.

Partial demolition of our synthetic space

264 and 262 are united
Fall 2018
Lab and office spaces previously occupied by Qin and Pratt Groups are vacated
They relocate on campus to the Translational Research Facility (TRF).

View in 253 through the door to 257

264 is partitioned from 262 by a solid wall
July 20, 2018
Lab design kick-off meeting!
Renovation plans involve breaking down walls between adjacent rooms, with four smaller labs being combined into two larger ones. This construction project will provide synthetic (257/253, green) and physical instrumentation (264/262, blue) spaces for the incoming Inkpen group at USC. Our research group offices will be next door (251/251, red).